How To Know When You Can Raise Your Prices? Part 1: Maximizing Time With Your Client
Every coaching client wants results that equate to business growth and progress toward their goals. Maximizing the time in a coaching appointment is the key to getting results. Doing this benefits the client, but also increases the coaches bottom line.
Time is money in your coaching practice, however, never get confused about what and who you are working for. The client is always priority number 1.
Don’t Let The Client Run The Appointment
Coaches are hired to walk alongside a client to get them to their goals faster and more efficiently. There is a delicate balance to knowing how much the client needs to process out loud and when it is time to gently bring them back to the focus of the appointment.
The Goal of Coaching is to walk the client toward making a decision to take action to accomplish the established goals they have set. Coaching is a learned skill that takes practice.
Coaching requires connection, and a big part of coaching is helping my clients stop the cycle of deliberating their alternatives to excess, and hurting their business.
This looks like: “way more details than is needed–or TMI.” As a coach I don’t need to know every detail about how the client runs their business as much as I need to know about the action steps they need to accomplish so they can reach their goals. By listening and waiting for the right moment to ask the obvious question, I am able to gently move them to declare their decision and readiness to move forward.
Take Action: If you can accomplish the same results in 30 minutes as in 60, then you have just given yourself a raise without charging the client more. Most clients would rather spend 30 minutes accomplishing the same results as a 60 minute appointment.
Help Your Clients Handle What’s Already On Their Plate
Everyone wants to grow their sales. It’s impossible to significantly grow a business until it can successfully handle the amount of business it currently runs. Skillful coaching is a combination of encouraging progress of increased sales and challenging and pressing the completion of pertinent and goal-oriented tasks.
A coach must first do what they coach their client to do. If you can make the necessary changes at the stage your business is currently, then you will be able to make room for growth. Its that simple.
How to spot if they aren’t ready to grow
Take Action: Every great coach has a coach. I’ve had a coach–sometimes two since I began coaching 10 years ago. Who is coaching you?
The first session is a complimentary consult…try it then decide!
Wrapping Up
Be an authentic coach. Practice the discipline of coaching to be the best possible coach you can be. You owe it to your clients. When you pay that price, they will pay your price.
How do you maximize time with your client? Tell me about it in the comments of this post, I love to hear from you.
Series Wrap-Up
In this Series, “How To Know When You Can Raise Your Prices” we considered specific things YOU can do to raise your prices effectively.
In Part One we examined maximizing your time with clients in order to increase fees.
In Part Two we explored pricing options to increase fees.
In Part Three we reflected on the Client for clues to strengthen the foundation for fees.
[…] Part One we examined maximizing your time with clients in order to increase […]