Epic Seasons happen when a business is in a transition of growth. What is an Epic Season? Mankind has experienced them at monumental shifts which have allowed us to evolve from hunter & gatherers to the present day. Man hunted and gathered everything he ate. It had to be in season and available. There was […]
Gallup’s BP10 Assessment: 3 Things You Need To Know
BP10 is short for Business Profile 10. BP10 (previously EP10) is Gallup’s assessment for the ten themes of talent which are present in the core decision making team of a successful business. BP10 measures and ranks “what” you do in an entrepreneurial business builder role. If any one of the ten themes isn’t present in […]
You Can Code & I Can Sell
I just read one of Gary Vee’s early blogs and feel so inspired! The message he shares is how investors are throwing money at start-up business “ideas” without being tested. His BIG statement from the article which resonates deeply with me is: “fundraising should be a byproduct of success, not an excuse to start.” What […]
How “Adaptability” is truly a strength in my life today by Stephanie Burck, Glamorous or Not
Helping my life coaching clients pause and reflect is one of the many joys I have with being a coach. When I get to read about how I’m helping them it’s even better! In this blog Stephanie Burck shares her story about how adaptability is truly a strength in her life today. Enjoy! How “Adaptability” […]
The Power of Asking Good Questions
What would be different in the world if we stopped “telling” when arguing our different views and instead, “asked” questions and responded with meaningful conversation? I believe we would learn more of what we agree upon and the need to argue about our differences would be greatly decreased. With so much divisiveness in our nation […]
Crucial Conversations And Active Listening
Strong relationships develop from good communication. Communication begins to unravel when we draw a line in the sand and focus more on the opinions we disagree about instead of the facts we can agree upon. The crossroad between fact and opinion is where a crucial conversation may help people focus more on finding a point […]
The Most Powerful Tool Every Entrepreneur Must Learn
The carabiner is a tiny little tool that has saved many climbers. Using it or not can be the difference between a successful climb to the summit or a mid climb rescue…even life or death. Often, the tiniest tools, like this carabiner and a rope make the biggest difference in a successful climb to the […]
Top 5 Reasons I Became A Gallup Certified Coach
My journey to become a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach began 11 years ago. I enrolled in The Londen Institute for Evangelism in 2004 to earn a Master’s of Ministry Degree. As I started my masters the first email I received contained a code to take the Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment. I had never heard of it […]
Why Some Life And Business Coaches Are Ruining The Industry
Whatever comes out of your mouth, be careful what it is! I recently read a blog post by a funny guy, but it left me seriously questioning my industry. I couldn’t help but ask the question, what have some of the life and business coaching “get rich quick” schemes done to ruin this valuable industry. […]
How To Maximize Time With Your Client
How To Know When You Can Raise Your Prices? Part 1: Maximizing Time With Your Client Every coaching client wants results that equate to business growth and progress toward their goals. Maximizing the time in a coaching appointment is the key to getting results. Doing this benefits the client, but also increases the coaches bottom […]
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